what is Admin?

Admin is, admin. They… um. Er.

Well. They just kind of do that thing. You know? The thing, with… the thing. And stuff.

Oh! No, wait. Got it! Look inside the back of an old analogue watch. See all those gears? That’s admin.

  • They’ll be the first point of contact for any client phoning or emailing in.
  • They’ll be the first person complained at by any client phoning or emailing in.
  • All, logs, time-sheets, health & safety records, costs and expenses information inputted by the management team, end up in admin’s lap. Where they will be checked, checked again after a spit-take, and then sent back to the relevant manager for redoing, because it is laughably, hilariously, miscalculated.
  • Whenever a manager makes a purchase order. It goes through admin.
  • Whenever a manager makes a purchase order with an older, no longer in use, version of the document. It goes through admin.
  • Whenever a manager fills in a purchase order but forgets to send it to admin. It goes through admin, after the manager complains that their stuff hasn’t arrived yet.
  • When an invoice comes in and needs to be paid. Admin.
  • Incoming and outgoing mail will be handled and distributed by Admin.
  • When files need filing and records need recording, Admin are there.
  • When it’s time for the client’s vice-like grip to be relieved of payment, guess who? Admin.
  • Admin will be involved in the creation of authorised company documents and spreadsheets to ensure reporting consistency.
  • Admin will protect the integrity of authorised company documents and spreadsheets against unauthorised changes by managers who have an idea rattling around inside their head like a pea in a whistle and are desperate to share it with the world.
  • When a manager needs a digital copy of the company induction pack and can’t remember where they put their copy. They’ll ask admin for a new one.
  • The server storage drives in a bit of a tangle? Has the folder structure gotten out of hand because everybody has their own ideas about where everything needs to be and nothing can be deleted? Chances are Admin will have the administrative rights to tidy up the mess. Not that they have the time.

And that is the short of it.

Most of the time, all the while things are running smoothly, you’ll pay them no mind. But if admin didn’t exist, you’d have to invent them. Otherwise, their duties would be passed on to management.

How does that idea grab you?